Do you feel overwhelmed by the clutter in your home?
Do you dread unexpected visitors?
Do you often lose your keys, phone, dog?
Would you like a clean, organised home to welcome friends into?
Would you like to enjoy the lovely furniture and ornaments you have?
Do you have a room you no longer use?
It took time to build up the collection of items you have in your home, and it will therefore take some time to go through everything and reorganise but we will get there. Taking the first step and contacting me is a positive start.
With my support, you can achieve your dream home space. Together we can agree a schedule and workplan and, following a proven methodology, bring order to your home. After we’ve achieved the desired result I can leave you with tips to ensure you stay clutter free in the future.
It is so freeing to let go of the things that don’t matter to you, and to have your treasured possessions displayed so that you can enjoy them every day and be proud to invite friends into your home.
Often when children fly the nest their room is unused until their parents are ready to use the space for another purpose. It can be emotionally overwhelming to go through their things (when they don’t get around to it) but it can be rewarding to be able to spread out into the whole of your home.
Maybe you’ve always wanted a craft/hobby room so you don’t have to stop and put everything away, or clear the dining table for tea.
Maybe you’d like a home office or a simple filing system to organise your paperwork.
Maybe you’d like a guest bedroom to bring in a rental income.
Nothing is out of the question; if you don’t see what you are looking for then please contact me to discuss your requirements (I do love a new challenge).
Do you want to easily see what you have to wear?
Do you want to be able to quickly find outfits?
Do you want to make outfits out of the separates you have?
Do you want to only have clothing that enhances you and make you shine?
It’s often difficult to know where to start when you’re overwhelmed by a bulging wardrobe; and by wardrobe I also mean clothing rails, backs of doors, overfilled chests of drawers, spare beds etc.
If you have a large volume of clothes but always seem to wear the same outfits, or often have a top with no bottom, and visa versa, we can work together to get you a balanced wardrobe.
Clothes deeply impact the way we feel and you should feel great every day.
It feels great to open up your wardrobe and easily see the clothes you love arranged neatly on hangers. It’s the same when you open a drawer and can easily see the contents waiting to be picked. I can show you folding techniques that will enable you to make better use of drawer space – since I tried it I’ve never gone back to stacking.
There is no fun in battling to pull clothes from an overfilled wardrobe or having to dig through layers of jumpers to find the one you want, and usually leaving the rest, at best, slightly crumpled.
Together we can work through your clothing to keep only the best for you to enjoy and to make life so much lighter.
Nothing is more exhausting then the task that's never started (Gretchen Rubin)
…… let's start now, together